Master and Doctoral Courses
Master and Doctoral students can register for the following courses to complete their required 40 credits. Note that students must also complete either a Master's Thesis or
a Dissertation to earn their degree.
Course Descriptions
Advanced Apologetics (Core) 4 credits
In this course students will explore the historical, scriptural, and archeological evidence for Christ. Apologetics is a critical area of study for all believers, and equips them with the tools to fulfill the Great Commission in various arenas, and with diverse groups of people. This course will give students the theological and practical skills to engage with the questions, doubts, and skepticism of unbelievers. They will gain the critical thinking skills that are necessary to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in different approaches to defending Christianity. Ultimately, this course will strengthen the faith of students and empower them to defend the faith both locally, and throughout the world.
Christian Ethics (Core) 4 Credits
Christian Ethics is a course that explores the major insights of Christian theological ethics. The course will concentrate on the foundational themes and ideas in Christian Ethics, namely: The God-human relationship, the nature of the human person, creation, sin, and salvation. These themes will guide students in examining polarizing social issues such as immigration, poverty, euthanasia, and others). This class will affirm that Christian morality consists of living one’s life with guidance from Christian scriptures. This in turn teaches us how to ethically deal with the pressing issues of our society.
Creating Your Mission Statement ( Elective) 4 credits
In a world in which we are daily forced to make decisions that lead us either closer to or further from our goals, no tool is as valuable in providing direction as a mission statement - a succinct, and focused statement of purpose that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. People or groups with carefully defined missions have always led and surpassed those who have none. In this course you will be guided through every step of both defining and fulfilling a mission.
Communion with God (Elective) 4 credits
This is a practical course that examines how we discern God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one communes (converses) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
Effective Communication in Leadership (Required for Degree in Christian Leadership)
4 credits
For those serving in various ministries or who wish to share the gospel to bring unbelievers to the knowledge of Christ, effective communication is critical. Leaders must be able to speak to a wide variety of people in a way that clearly and concisely conveys the message of our risen savior! This class will teach the principles of effective communication skills, through varying genres such as speeches, class presentations, and debates. This powerful course contains teaching that is relevant for anyone who wants to grow as an effective speaker and leader.
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny (Elective) 4 Credits
This course will guide you in taking control of your finances and beginning on the road to financial freedom! You will explore new ways to budget and save, and you will outline your financial goals and implement sound plans to achieve those goals. God desires that we lend and not borrow, that we are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:13). We will sharpen our focus and our philosophy concerning money, embracing the belief that we have the ability to create and release wealth in our lives and into the kingdom of God.
Foundations of Christianity (Elective) 4 credits
This course is a non-technical presentation of the foundations of Christianity. It deals with the basics of the Scriptures, Salvation, Christian Culture, Holy Spirit, Faith, Worship, Healing, our Enemy, Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Prayer, Giving ministry, Heaven, and Hell.
Hermeneutics (Core) 4 Credits
The word hermeneutics comes from a Greek root meaning “interpret.” It is necessary for believers from all walks of life to gain the ability to interpret God’s Word correctly. While pastors, associate pastors, evangelists and Sunday school teachers need these abilities to develop sermons and lessons, this skill can also be used in other fields, such as counseling, mentoring and even business. It is critical for all believers to utilize hermeneutical skills in order to identify and defend against heretical teachings and to mature in their personal walk with Christ. Students will use exegetical approaches to examine various interpretations of biblical scripture and evaluate hermeneutical issues that arise when studying the various books of the Bible.
Homiletics (Elective) 4 credits
This course will explore the theological foundations of preaching. Students will receive and offer constructive critiques of sermons, allowing them to receive a practical application of the theoretical framework of anointed preaching. Students will examine the liturgical significance of preaching, while learning how to deliver God’s word in the cultural context of their churches and communities. At the conclusion of the course, students will gain a deeper understanding that anointed preaching must be done under the direction and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Leadership-Servanthood in the Church (Elective) 4 credits
This course examines the major passages in the New Testament on the subject of Church leadership. Servant leaders should have a heart for people and should serve them without thought of personal gain. Servant leaders also do not serve with the goal of attaining higher positions. This class will explore how leaders in the church should serve people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God.
Living the Abundant Christian Life (Elective) 4 credits
The purpose of the course is to help the student discover who he/she is in Christ and how to live a victorious Christian life. The student learns the authority of the believer and how to appropriate Christ’s victory in everyday living under the Lordship of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Master’s Thesis/Dissertation Writing (Core) 4 credits
This course allows students on the Masters and Doctoral level to begin the process of writing the scholarly research paper that is the final major project in the student's degree program. This project is meant to demonstrate the student's knowledge and skills in their chosen field of study.
Miracles of the Bible (Elective) 4 Credits
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the miraculous signs and wonders of God are on full display. God’s plan to reach the world involves the understanding of how He has used miracles to show his unending love and his plan for His people. This course will explore how God’s signs, wonders and healing miracles are still at work in our lives today, and how this knowledge can be used to win unbelievers to Christ.
Old Testament Introduction (Elective) 4 Credits
This course provides an overview of the historical development of the Bible. There will be a thorough examination of important persons, places and critical events that have shaped biblical history. Also key chapters in the Old Testament will be examined in order for students to better understand God's sovereign plan for both His people and the land of Israel.
Praying and Fasting for Results (Elective) 4 credits
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in learning the biblical principles for supernatural prayer and fasting. Subjects presented are: the purpose, power, and pattern of prayer, praying with persistent confidence, praying with intercession, praying with fasting, and reasons why prayers aren’t answered.
The Master Plan of Evangelism (Elective) 4 Credits
This class examines the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ’s ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. This class focuses on the underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation. By emulating His pattern, you’ll be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This class will equip you with the tools needed to ensure your course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
A.B.S. Associate of Biblical Studies
The Associate degrees require a total of 60 credits of work. Assuming a student is awarded at least 25 credits for church/life experience, the following are the courses needed to earn an A.B.S. Associate of Biblical Studies.
Old Testament Introduction (Elective) 3 Credits
This course provides an overview of the historical development of the Bible. There will be a thorough examination of important persons, places and critical events that have shaped biblical history. Also key chapters in the Old Testament will be examined in order for students to better understand God's sovereign plan for both His people and the land of Israel.
Apologetics I (Core) 4 credits
Apologetics is the defense of Christian doctrine through systematic argument. This can be done through written or verbal discourse. Students will learn how to defend the divine origin and authority of the Christian faith, through the study and research of historical, evidential, and reasonable facts. Students will gain biblical knowledge that is critical in enabling them to defend the truth-claims of Christianity.
Bible I (Core) 4 credits
In this course, students will study Creation and Recreation, Typology, the Major Covenants, the 7 Cycles of Apostasy, and the servitude periods. This course will give students a fuller understanding of the nature of humans to sin and turn away from God, God's punishment for apostacy, His grace and deliverance of His people, and his continued presence in the life of the believer. Students will gain a foundational knowledge of biblical texts, teachings and backgrounds necessary to give them a firm foundation for further Biblical studies.
Biblical Exegesis (Core) 4 credits
Biblical Exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of a religious text. In this class students will study Textual criticism and Historical criticism, which investigates the history and origins of the Biblical text, by examining the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Students will also explore the literary genres presented in Biblical text, as well as analyze grammatical and syntactical features of the text. Utilizing these exegetical methods, students will be able to understand the intended meaning of Biblical texts, in their appropriate context.
Effective Communication in Leadership (Elective) 3 credits
For those serving in various ministries or who wish to share the gospel to bring unbelievers to the knowledge of Christ, effective communication is critical. Leaders must be able to speak to a wide variety of people in a way that clearly and concisely conveys the message of our risen savior! This class will teach the principles of effective communication skills, through varying genres such as speeches, class presentations, and debates. This powerful course contains teaching that is relevant for anyone who wants to grow as an effective speaker and leader.
The Master Plan of Evangelism (Elective) 3 Credits
This class examines the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ’s ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. This class focuses on the underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation. By emulating His pattern, you’ll be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This class will equip you with the tools needed to ensure your course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
Leadership-Servanthood in the Church (Elective) 3 credits
This course examines the major passages in the New Testament on the subject of Church leadership. Servant leaders should have a heart for people and should serve them without thought of personal gain. Servant leaders also do not serve with the goal of attaining higher positions. This class will explore how leaders in the church should serve people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God.
Communion with God (Elective) 3 credits
This is a practical course that examines how we discern God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one communes (converses) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
Praying and Fasting for Results (Elective)
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in learning the biblical principles for supernatural prayer and fasting. Subjects presented are: the purpose, power, and pattern of prayer, praying with persistent confidence, praying with intercession, praying with fasting, and reasons why prayers aren’t answered.
Miracles of the Bible (Elective) 3 Credits
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the miraculous signs and wonders of God are on full display. God’s plan to reach the world involves the understanding of how He has used miracles to show his unending love and his plan for His people. This course will explore how God’s signs, wonders and healing miracles are still at work in our lives today, and how this knowledge can be used to win unbelievers to Christ.
Creating Your Mission Statement ( Elective) 3 credits
In a world in which we are daily forced to make decisions that lead us either closer to or further from our goals, no tool is as valuable in providing direction as a mission statement - a succinct, and focused statement of purpose that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. People or groups with carefully defined missions have always led and surpassed those who have none. In this course you will be guided through every step of both defining and fulfilling a mission.
A.Min. Associate of Ministry
The Associate degrees require a total of 60 credits of work. Assuming a student is awarded at least 25 credits for church/life experience, the following are the courses needed to earn an A. Min. Associate of Ministry.
Homiletics (Elective) 3 credits
This course will explore the theological foundations of preaching. Students will receive and offer constructive critiques of sermons, allowing them to receive a practical application of the theoretical framework of anointed preaching. Students will examine the liturgical significance of preaching, while learning how to deliver God’s word in the cultural context of their churches and communities. At the conclusion of the course, students will gain a deeper understanding that anointed preaching must be done under the direction and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Apologetics I (Core) 4 credits
Apologetics is the defense of Christian doctrine through systematic argument. This can be done through written or verbal discourse. Students will learn how to defend the divine origin and authority of the Christian faith, through the study and research of historical, evidential, and reasonable facts. Students will gain biblical knowledge that is critical in enabling them to defend the truth-claims of Christianity.
Bible I (Core) 4 credits
In this course, students will study Creation and Recreation, Typology, the Major Covenants, the 7 Cycles of Apostasy, and the servitude periods. This course will give students a fuller understanding of the nature of humans to sin and turn away from God, God's punishment for apostacy, His grace and deliverance of His people, and his continued presence in the life of the believer. Students will gain a foundational knowledge of biblical texts, teachings and backgrounds necessary to give them a firm foundation for further Biblical studies.
Biblical Exegesis (Core) 4 credits
Biblical Exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of a religious text. In this class students will study Textual criticism and Historical criticism, which investigates the history and origins of the Biblical text, by examining the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Students will also explore the literary genres presented in Biblical text, as well as analyze grammatical and syntactical features of the text. Utilizing these exegetical methods, students will be able to understand the intended meaning of Biblical texts, in their appropriate context.
Effective Communication in Leadership (Elective) 3 credits
For those serving in various ministries or who wish to share the gospel to bring unbelievers to the knowledge of Christ, effective communication is critical. Leaders must be able to speak to a wide variety of people in a way that clearly and concisely conveys the message of our risen savior! This class will teach the principles of effective communication skills, through varying genres such as speeches, class presentations, and debates. This powerful course contains teaching that is relevant for anyone who wants to grow as an effective speaker and leader.
The Master Plan of Evangelism - (Elective) 3 Credits
This class examines the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ’s ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. This class focuses on the underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation. By emulating His pattern, you’ll be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This class will equip you with the tools needed to ensure your course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
Leadership-Servanthood in the Church (Elective) 3 credits
This course examines the major passages in the New Testament on the subject of Church leadership. Servant leaders should have a heart for people and should serve them without thought of personal gain. Servant leaders also do not serve with the goal of attaining higher positions. This class will explore how leaders in the church should serve people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God.
Communion with God (Elective) 3 credits
This is a practical course that examines how we discern God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one communes (converses) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
Praying and Fasting for Results (Elective)
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in learning the biblical principles for supernatural prayer and fasting. Subjects presented are: the purpose, power, and pattern of prayer, praying with persistent confidence, praying with intercession, praying with fasting, and reasons why prayers aren’t answered.
Miracles of the Bible (Elective) 3 Credits
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the miraculous signs and wonders of God are on full display. God’s plan to reach the world involves the understanding of how He has used miracles to show his unending love and his plan for His people. This course will explore how God’s signs, wonders and healing miracles are still at work in our lives today, and how this knowledge can be used to win unbelievers to Christ.
Creating Your Mission Statement (Elective) 3 credits
In a world in which we are daily forced to make decisions that lead us either closer to or further from our goals, no tool is as valuable in providing direction as a mission statement - a succinct, and focused statement of purpose that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. People or groups with carefully defined missions have always led and surpassed those who have none. In this course you will be guided through every step of both defining and fulfilling a mission.
Associate of Theology
Th.A. Associate of Theology
The Associate degrees require a total of 60 credits of work. Assuming a student is awarded at least 25 credits for church/life experience, the following are the courses needed to earn a Th.A. Associate of Theology.
Hermeneutics (Core) 4 Credits
The word hermeneutics comes from a Greek root meaning “interpret.” It is necessary for believers from all walks of life to gain the ability to interpret God’s Word correctly. While pastors, associate pastors, evangelists and Sunday school teachers need these abilities to develop sermons and lessons, this skill can also be used in other fields, such as counseling, mentoring and even business. It is critical for all believers to utilize hermeneutical skills in order to identify and defend against heretical teachings and to mature in their personal walk with Christ. Students will use exegetical approaches to examine various interpretations of biblical scripture and evaluate hermeneutical issues that arise when studying the various books of the Bible.
Apologetics I (Core) 4 credits
Apologetics is the defense of Christian doctrine through systematic argument. This can be done through written or verbal discourse. Students will learn how to defend the divine origin and authority of the Christian faith, through the study and research of historical, evidential, and reasonable facts. Students will gain biblical knowledge that is critical in enabling them to defend the truth-claims of Christianity.
Bible I (Core) 4 credits
In this course, students will study Creation and Recreation, Typology, the Major Covenants, the 7 Cycles of Apostasy, and the servitude periods. This course will give students a fuller understanding of the nature of humans to sin and turn away from God, God's punishment for apostacy, His grace and deliverance of His people, and his continued presence in the life of the believer. Students will gain a foundational knowledge of biblical texts, teachings and backgrounds necessary to give them a firm foundation for further Biblical studies.
Biblical Exegesis (Core) 4 credits
Biblical Exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of a religious text. In this class students will study Textual criticism and Historical criticism, which investigates the history and origins of the Biblical text, by examining the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Students will also explore the literary genres presented in Biblical text, as well as analyze grammatical and syntactical features of the text. Utilizing these exegetical methods, students will be able to understand the intended meaning of Biblical texts, in their appropriate context.
Effective Communication in Leadership (Elective) 3 credits
For those serving in various ministries or who wish to share the gospel to bring unbelievers to the knowledge of Christ, effective communication is critical. Leaders must be able to speak to a wide variety of people in a way that clearly and concisely conveys the message of our risen savior! This class will teach the principles of effective communication skills, through varying genres such as speeches, class presentations, and debates. This powerful course contains teaching that is relevant for anyone who wants to grow as an effective speaker and leader.
The Master Plan of Evangelism (Elective) 3 Credits
This class examines the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ’s ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. This class focuses on the underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation. By emulating His pattern, you’ll be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This class will equip you with the tools needed to ensure your course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
Leadership-Servanthood in the Church (Elective) 3 credits
This course examines the major passages in the New Testament on the subject of Church leadership. Servant leaders should have a heart for people and should serve them without thought of personal gain. Servant leaders also do not serve with the goal of attaining higher positions. This class will explore how leaders in the church should serve people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God.
Communion with God (Elective) 3 credits
This is a practical course that examines how we discern God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one communes (converses) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
Praying and Fasting for Results (Elective)
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in learning the biblical principles for supernatural prayer and fasting. Subjects presented are: the purpose, power, and pattern of prayer, praying with persistent confidence, praying with intercession, praying with fasting, and reasons why prayers aren’t answered.
Miracles of the Bible (Elective) 3 Credits
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the miraculous signs and wonders of God are on full display. God’s plan to reach the world involves the understanding of how He has used miracles to show his unending love and his plan for His people. This course will explore how God’s signs, wonders and healing miracles are still at work in our lives today, and how this knowledge can be used to win unbelievers to Christ.
Creating Your Mission Statement ( Elective) 3 credits
In a world in which we are daily forced to make decisions that lead us either closer to or further from our goals, no tool is as valuable in providing direction as a mission statement - a succinct, and focused statement of purpose that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. People or groups with carefully defined missions have always led and surpassed those who have none. In this course you will be guided through every step of both defining and fulfilling a mission.
Associate of Christian Leadership
A.C.L. Associate of Christian Leadership - The Associate degrees require a total of 60 credits of work. Assuming a student is awarded at least 25 credits for church/life experience, the following are the courses needed to earn an A.C.L Associate of Christian Leadership.
The Making of A Leader I: Visionary Leadership
(Required for Degree in Christian Leadership)
3 Credits
Human history testifies to the fact that no generation can rise above the level of its leadership. It’s a fact that when leadership falters, followers are hurt, scattered and become easy prey for predators. In this class, you will be challenged to study and wrestle with deep biblical mandates, parables and principles concerning leadership. You will be asked to envision new truths, grasp spiritual insights, and thereby grow into the leader who God has destined you to become.
The Making of a Leader II: Visionary Leadership - (Required for Degree in Christian Leadership) 3 credits
Jesus’ leadership approach with His ‘staff’ reveals to us critical strategies on how we can become extraordinary leaders using Christ-like principles. In this course, students will explore the three categories of strengths behind Jesus’ leadership techniques: the strength of self-mastery, the strength of action, and the strength of relationships. Students will learn how to heighten their awareness level in each category, which will assist them in the process of mastering them all. This is necessary to become an empowered leader in this millennium.
Effective Communication in Leadership (Required for Degree in Christian Leadership) 3 credits
For those serving in various ministries or who wish to share the gospel to bring unbelievers to the knowledge of Christ, effective communication is critical. Leaders must be able to speak to a wide variety of people in a way that clearly and concisely conveys the message of our risen savior! This class will teach the principles of effective communication skills, through varying genres such as speeches, class presentations, and debates. This powerful course contains teaching that is relevant for anyone who wants to grow as an effective speaker and leader.
Apologetics I (Core) 4 credits
Apologetics is the defense of Christian doctrine through systematic argument. This can be done through written or verbal discourse. Students will learn how to defend the divine origin and authority of the Christian faith, through the study and research of historical, evidential, and reasonable facts. Students will gain biblical knowledge that is critical in enabling them to defend the truth-claims of Christianity.
Bible I (Core) 4 credits
In this course, students will study Creation and Recreation, Typology, the Major Covenants, the 7 Cycles of Apostasy, and the servitude periods. This course will give students a fuller understanding of the nature of humans to sin and turn away from God, God's punishment for apostacy, His grace and deliverance of His people, and his continued presence in the life of the believer. Students will gain a foundational knowledge of biblical texts, teachings and backgrounds necessary to give them a firm foundation for further Biblical studies.
Biblical Exegesis (Core) 4 credits
Biblical Exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of a religious text. In this class students will study Textual criticism and Historical criticism, which investigates the history and origins of the Biblical text, by examining the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Students will also explore the literary genres presented in Biblical text, as well as analyze grammatical and syntactical features of the text. Utilizing these exegetical methods, students will be able to understand the intended meaning of Biblical texts, in their appropriate context.
The Master Plan of Evangelism (Elective) 3 Credits
This class examines the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ’s ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. This class focuses on the underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation. By emulating His pattern, you’ll be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This class will equip you with the tools needed to ensure your course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
Leadership-Servanthood in the Church (Elective) 3 credits
This course examines the major passages in the New Testament on the subject of Church leadership. Servant leaders should have a heart for people and should serve them without thought of personal gain. Servant leaders also do not serve with the goal of attaining higher positions. This class will explore how leaders in the church should serve people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God.
Communion with God (Elective) 3 credits
This is a practical course that examines how we discern God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one communes (converses) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
Praying and Fasting for Results (Elective)
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to assist the student in learning the biblical principles for supernatural prayer and fasting. Subjects presented are: the purpose, power, and pattern of prayer, praying with persistent confidence, praying with intercession, praying with fasting, and reasons why prayers aren’t answered.
Miracles of the Bible (Elective) 3 Credits
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the miraculous signs and wonders of God are on full display. God’s plan to reach the world involves the understanding of how He has used miracles to show his unending love and his plan for His people. This course will explore how God’s signs, wonders and healing miracles are still at work in our lives today, and how this knowledge can be used to win unbelievers to Christ.
Creating Your Mission Statement ( Elective) 3 credits
In a world in which we are daily forced to make decisions that lead us either closer to or further from our goals, no tool is as valuable in providing direction as a mission statement - a succinct, and focused statement of purpose that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. People or groups with carefully defined missions have always led and surpassed those who have none. In this course you will be guided through every step of both defining and fulfilling a mission.